
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Yummy Stuff!

I have a board on Pinterest titled, "Yummy Stuff I'll Probably Never Make." I figured I might as well title it like that because I know myself very well: I like to pin pics of delicious-looking foods but I rarely cook. I leave cooking to my husband, who seems to enjoy it more than I.

However, in the summers when I am out of school, my curiosity usually gets the best of me and I dive in to the pins on this board to see if anything really will entice me to get in the kitchen before Bruce comes home and starts supper.

Curiosity killed the cat on the very first day of my summer vacation, and I have to say I am glad it did! I made Key West Grilled Chicken, Parmesan Potato Halves, and roasted veggies.

I would have taken photos of my own cooking, including the veggies--squash, Vidalia onions, red peppers, and green onion roasted in Lipton Onion Soup Mix and oil--BUT... I am of the generation that did not take photos of every single object we came into contact with each day, so I am not in the habit of photographing my food. Maybe if I keep blogging I will develop an awareness for the need to post my own pics to prove I actually did what I say I do.

That sarcastic rant aside, the food was every bit as delicious as the photos imply!! The chicken, which I  marinated in a lemon juice mixture because I didn't have lime juice, was grilled beautifully and had a wonderful, juicy taste. (I do have to admit Bruce did the actual grilling because I had both ovens busy with the other dishes.)

The potatoes were cheesy and crisp-tender, and the veggies were a great complement. The only downside to the whole meal was everything was yellow. Had I bought zucchini instead of squash there would have been something green on the plate. Color aside, I would make this meal again in a heartbeat! And I have made the switch on my boards: these two dishes are now on my

See it here

Tomorrow, there is a strong possibility the menu will include "Baked Cream Cheese Spaghetti Casserole" or "Crockpot Chicken Parmesan."


Friday, June 13, 2014

My "new" backyard...

is AMAZING! I have thoroughly enjoyed it!! Just the other night Bruce and I were sitting on the screened deck, and I couldn't help thinking we've become "outdoor" people! This is saying something, indeed--hayfever is such a problem for us we have spent most of our 30-year marriage indoors. But the backyard is so NICE now, we are willing to sneeze through the evenings just to sit outside for a little while.

We moved in to this house 19 years ago and always intended to finish the backyard. It took longer than we thought to get started! It only took one colossal rant from me--after 18 other rants--for Bruce to decide it was time to get it done. And since I had earned 10 years of stipends by certifying with the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards it wasn't going to hurt his wallet that much (not that that would have been a factor…Bruce is a generous guy when it comes to me!).

When "snowmageddon" came in January I stepped out to take photos of the yard. (I know there isn't much snow on the ground, but where I live we don't get much, and this storm took everyone by surprise: the name stuck because hundreds to thousands of people were stranded on the roads and at work due to the ice that coated the roads.)

While all of that was going on, I enjoyed looking out at my magazine-worthy backyard!

I've been meaning to post the pics I made throughout the 5 month process, so here they are:

Trees down!

Yard cleared.

One of my designs I tried using the app, Educreations.

They got the hot tub in! 

The stone bench around the fire pit... 


The sod went in as the leaves started turning. 

 The construction is finished, the grill goes on the desk, and Erin and Brenna enjoy the hot tub!

I am so glad our friend, Lee Patterson, headed up the construction. Preston, his foreman, did an absolutely fabulous job!! 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Trying again….

It's been a l--o--n--g time since I posted. I think the main reason is just the thought of posting something would immediately overwhelm me. What do I have to say? And then I would remember someone saying sometime, "A blog is like a diary. It's more for the author, not the audience."

So now I am going to follow up on a post from last summer. I had mentioned I wanted to try the homemade shower cleaner recipe I found on Pinterest but just didn't get it together. Well, I finally came back around to it a few weeks ago.

This stuff is awesome!
It stinks! But it works better than anything else I've ever used. Why did I wait so long?!?